Scottish AI Alliance

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AI Accelerator update - open for applications

Springing into action!

At the end of March, the University of Edinburgh AI Accelerator programme concluded with a fantastic showcase event and in April we opened up for new applications. As programme manager, it’s safe to say it’s been a busy spring so far! Watching the companies taking part present at our showcase event certainly felt like a bit of a “proud mum” moment, and I look forward to seeing their continued success. While on the programme, the participating companies collectively raised an impressive £4.3m in funding, with considerably more money being offered but not yet signed. One example is the raise very recently secured by CarcinoTech, thanks to a lot of hard work by the fantastic founder, Ishani Malhotra. 

Climate, Global Health and AI for Good

My focus now is on finding the next set of high growth potential companies that are using AI to solve some of the challenges of our time. This time round we are organising applications around three broad themes: we’re seeking companies innovating with data and AI to improve global health or tackle climate change. The third, slightly more nebulous category, is AI for good. We’re quite open about exactly what this means, but it could include the use of AI to eg. rebalance existing inequalities, or it could relate to ensuring ethical practices within the field of AI itself. I’m quite excited about the potential this thematic approach might provide for us to run more targeted activities for the benefit of the companies selected.

Clearly, as programme manager, I’m a little biased, but the programme really is a great opportunity for businesses to boost their growth, by developing both their skillsets, their product offering and their network. Being a part of the AI Accelerator gives the participating companies exposure and a platform. Also hugely valuable is the support from peers, our excellent mentors and coaches and the programme team – eg. me (she says modestly). For some, it’s the University of Edinburgh’s world-leading AI research capability and talent pool that acts as the major draw, for others it’s the access to mentors and investors and the networking opportunities. With access to the facilities and community at the Bayes Centre – the University’s innovation hub for data science and AI - the network really is fantastic. The accelerator is delivered on behalf of all the DDI Hubs which also helps for specific sector connections. And let’s not forget the stipend!          

As well as scouting for companies to take part, now is also a time to reflect on what’s worked well and how we can improve the programme. We won’t have it completely worked out before we start; it’s good to leave scope to design activities to meet the specific needs of our next cohort. Having been programme manager for two cohorts now, I’ve learned lots - but every day is still a school day!   

Applications are open until 26th May and on 4th May we’re holding a short information session where you can find out more and also ask questions of one or two previous participants.

If you want to discuss a possible application or get involved as a mentor or contributor, you can contact me on