Scottish AI Alliance

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Applications to join working groups open

The application process to join the working groups for the development of the AI strategy for Scotland is now open.

As part of the process to develop an AI Strategy for Scotland, we are convening a series of working groups to workshop topics under a series of strategic themes as defined in the Scoping Document published on 23 January 2020.

The task of the working groups is to discuss and address outputs from Phase 2 of the process (involving an open consultation and a programme of engagement activities) and to develop a series of relevant priorities, recommendations and actions contributing to the final strategy.

We recognise that there will be a lot of interest in participating therefore we have to stress that there are a limited number of spaces available in each group and we need to assess applicants that would be best suited to the process.

The time commitment required is for a minimum of 2 half day workshops (geographical location TBC depending on final members of the working group) between February and May 2020. There is potential for a third workshop for some of the themes. Reasonable travel expenses will be covered.

We are looking for expert and strategic input to the process so we ask you to please provide evidence in your application below of this in order to be considered.

Applications will close at NOON, Monday 24 February 2020. Applicants will be notified of the outcome as soon as possible after.

Please note that by clicking Apply, it will take you to a Microsoft Form.