How the DRCF AI and Digital Hub can support Scottish innovators

Read more about a free service providing regulatory clarification for digital innovators like you.

The scale and speed of innovation in AI continues to accelerate across industries, driving an AI-powered Scotland. To support innovation in the UK, the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) has launched the AI and Digital Hub (“the Hub”), a free cross-regulatory service to address innovators most pressing regulatory queries.

For the first time, four UK regulators – the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’), the Competition and Markets Authority (‘CMA’), the Information Commissioner’s Office (‘ICO’), and the Office of Communications (‘Ofcom’) – have joined forces to create a one-stop shop for tailored informal regulatory advice. Regulators recognise that innovators need efficient and effective regulatory support, which is why the Hub has been designed to make this process straightforward and easy. The service ultimately aims to support innovators in bringing products and services to market responsibly, faster and with greater confidence.

What exactly does this look like for innovators?

Innovators can apply by going to the DRCF website and filling out a form describing their product, service or business model and providing details about their regulatory questions. After receiving an application, the Hub team will review, clarify any questions and come back to innovators with confirmation as to whether the Hub will proceed with providing informal advice.

The Hub team aims to provide informal advice within eight weeks of formal acceptance. During this eight-week period, the DRCF regulators will be working with one another as well as within their organisations to compile practical informal advice before sharing it back to the innovator.

Why should innovators apply?

Innovators can expect several key benefits from the Hub, including:

  • Regulatory Clarity: Informal advice on how regulation applies to your innovation.

  • Time and Cost Savings: Efficiently address your cross-regulatory query, saving valuable time and money.

  • Single Point of Access: Engage with multiple regulators through one streamlined service, via the DRCF website.

  • Prompt Responses: Successful applicants will receive a response in eight weeks after acceptance.

Who can use the service?

The Hub is open to organisations of any size, sector, and at any point in their product development lifecycle provided they meet the eligibility criteria:

  1. Innovation: The product, service, or business model must be innovative, meaning it must be a new or adapted way of conducting an activity.

  2. AI or Digital: The product, service, or business model must use AI or digital technologies.

  3. Benefit to Consumers or the UK Economy: The product, service, or business model should offer consumer benefits or contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the UK.

  4. Cross-Regulatory Query: The question must fall within the scope of at least two of the four DRCF members’ regulatory remits (CMA, FCA, ICO, Ofcom) and address a specific regulatory challenge.

Want to learn more?

The Hub will run for a one-year pilot period ending in March 2025. If you’re interested in working with the Hub, apply sooner rather than later to take advantage of this offer and continue building responsible products for Scotland. Visit the DRCF website to learn more and apply to the Hub today:


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