Leadership Circle chat about the draft EU AI Regulations


For our first vidcast on our YouTube channel, members of our Leadership Circle discuss the draft EU AI regulations released back in April 2021.

Recorded on 14 July 2021, join Michael Boniface, Catriona Campbell, Julie McElroy, Michael Rovatsos, Marian Scott and Callum Sinclair as they have a chat about their thoughts on key takeaways, good and bad, from the draft and what we could learn from for Scotland. Hosted by Chair of the Scottish AI Alliance, Gillian Docherty OBE.

This will also be made available as a podcast on our podcast channel, Turing’s Triple Helix in the coming weeks.

As restrictions ease, we hope to record future vidcasts in person as opposed to on a Teams call. So if you have any ideas for one, please get in touch!


New podcast alert!


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