Scottish AI Alliance

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Me, Myself and AI: Scottish Schools Competition - NOW OPEN!

Investigate how Artificial Intelligence impacts your life as a class, and win some top prizes!

We are very excited to announce our Scottish schools competition: Me, Myself & AI.

We are inviting school classes in Scotland to investigate how Artificial Intelligence impacts their life and share their findings as a piece of creative work which will be exhibited at the Scottish AI Summit 2023.

Our competition partners, The National Robotarium are supplying the Grand Prize for winners: a class visit to their centre for Robotics & Artificial Intelligence!

Find out more & register your class below:

Who can take part?

The competition is open to all Scottish schools.

We encourage submissions from all classes who wants to take part – this means you don’t need to be a computing class, or a science class. We can’t wait to see what everyone’s creative response to the challenge is!

The three categories being judged are:

  • P5-P7

  • S1-S3

  • S4+

What are the key dates?

Monday 21 November 2022 - Competition Opens

Friday 24 February 2023 - Competition Closes

Monday 6 March 2023 - Winners Announced

March, April & May 2023 - Prizes Distributed

How can you help?

You can help by getting the word out to all of your teacher friends!

Tell them to visit