The Scottish AI Playbook: 4 Ways to Get Involved

The Strategy is the result of extensive consultation with the public, industry, the public sector and academia on artificial intelligence and its place in our society. It gives us a roadmap detailing where we want to go and what we need to do to get there. Now we want to share our thinking with as many people as possible and make the Strategy work by publishing the Scottish AI Playbook.  

The Playbook, an open and practical guide to how we do AI in Scotland, introduces our vision, our principles and the practices we will adopt to realise our vision.  

The Playbook will be a “one stop shop” for anyone in Scotland embarking on a journey involving AI whether it’s learning, using, developing, deploying, or just exploring 

You can find out more about the development phase of the Scottish AI Playbook here.

Where are we now?

We have taken a multi-phase approach to the development of the Playbook. Phase 0 was completed when we launched our holding page at the Scottish AI Summit in March 2022. We are now currently fully immersed in Phase 1, with the development of the Scottish AI Playbook collaborative platform well underway and due for delivery this summer.  

We have recently commenced the Scottish AI Events series, with the Scottish AI Playbook info event kicking things off. In this lively and engaging event, members of the Scottish AI Community came together to learn how they could get involved in the development of the Scottish AI Playbook.


We Need You to Get Involved  

Open and transparent collaboration has been our focus for the Scottish AI Playbook from the very beginning of its journey, and with this in mind we would encourage the Scottish AI community to get involved in the development of the Playbook. As it stands there are four ways in which you can get involved with the Playbook.

1. Contribute Resources

Ahead of our launch this summer, we need the Scottish AI community to contribute resources that you think are important for developing AI knowledge, skills and business cases. Examples of resources that have been submitted so far include toolkits, frameworks, guidance, training, and links to other organisations, but anything goes as long as it has been useful in your journey to learning about, developing or implementing artificial intelligence in your business, organisation or personal learning on the subject. Resources can be contributed via the form on

2. Suggest Partner Organisations 

We are keen to have partner organisations on board to curate areas of the Playbook that are relevant to their sector area. Have an idea for a partner organisation? Send it over to us for review.  

3. Create and Edit Playbook Pages 

Once the full Playbook site goes live at the end of July, we encourage you to add and edit pages to the wiki with AI-related content and resources that will be beneficial to the Scottish AI community and the wider public. All additions and edits will be reviewed before going live. 

4. Become a Volunteer Moderator 

We will be seeking volunteer moderators for the Scottish AI Playbook as the Playbook continues to grow.  

If you have a research, academic, technical, business or legislative background in AI we would love to hear from you. Your contribution will be vital in ensuring the ongoing accuracy, relevance and trustworthiness of the information contained in the Scottish AI Playbook. 

Get in touch

These are just four ways in which you can contribute to the development and success of the Scottish AI Playbook. If none of these seem like the right fit for you, then don’t worry! Simply get in touch and we can discuss how we can facilitate you to contribute.  

The Playbook needs input from across the Scottish AI community and beyond to become a valuable and relevant resource. We hope you'll join us in building the Playbook and bringing Scotland’s AI Strategy to life.  

Steven Scott

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