Let's Talk AI Jobs With Women in Artificial Intelligence
To celebrate International Women’s Day 2023 we wanted to shine a light on the women who work in the world of AI and find out more about their interesting and varied journeys to becoming leaders in their field.
Need help with marketing your AI business effectively?
Are you the founder of an AI-driven business? Do you find yourself wondering how your customers feel about AI? Are you trying to figure out how to best market your AI product?
New Podcast: AI & the Scottish FinTech Sector
In this episode, we explore the growing Scottish FinTech sector and the place of artificial intelligence within it.
Inclusion in AI & Tech
In the latest episode of Turing’s Triple Helix we discuss the importance of inclusion in AI and Tech.
It Seems the Future of AI is Art - Is the Future of Art, AI?
It Seems the Future of AI is Art - Is the Future of Art, AI? We are launching a new joint AI Art commission to find out!
New Podcast: The New Real - AI and Art
In this episode of Turing's Triple Helix we delve into the work of The New Real a unique hub for AI, creativity and futures research.
The Code Has Landed: a new beginning in biometrics
This week Scotland will become the first country in the world to have a national code on the use of biometric data in a criminal justice setting.
Experiential AI Art Commission
We delighted to announce our upcoming new Experiential AI (Artificial Intelligence) Art Commission in partnership with the New Real and the Alan Turing Institute.
NEW PODCAST: Experiences & Challenges of Implementing AI Technologies in the Workplace
In this episode of Turing's Triple Helix we spoke with Dr. Luciana Blaha and Professor Donald Hislop about how AI is changing the way we work and will continue to do so.
University of Edinburgh Launches Latest AI Accelerator Cohort
On a beautiful sunny September day the 6th cohort of The University of Edinburgh’s AI Accelerator programme was launched.
AI in the Scottish Gaming Industry
In this episode, we took a look at how AI is being used by Scottish gaming companies Kythera AI and Speech Graphics.
Scottish AI Businesses - We Want to Hear from YOU!
We want to hear from Scottish AI businesses on how we can help you align with our vision for trustworthy, ethical and inclusive AI
New podcast: Adopting AI in Scottish Businesses: Barriers and Pathways
In this episode, we caught up with Lily Broomhead & Francela Rivas Lopez, both students of the University of Edinburgh Business School.
Two healthcare funding opportunities to tackle health inequalities
Two funding opportunities from AWS Health to support organisations who are leveraging the power of the cloud to advance health equity locally, nationally and globally.
New podcast: NatureScot: Using AI to Benefit Nature and Society
In this episode of Turing's Triple Helix, we caught up with members of the NatureScot team to discuss their work using artificial intelligence to benefit the environment and society.
AI Adoption in Scotland’s Private Sector
In the first year of the AI Strategy we have discovered some of the steps and bumps that businesses may encounter on their AI journey.
Scottish Biometrics Commissioner: safeguarding our biometric future
You may have never heard of us, but if your work relates to biometrics, chances are you will do soon.
AI and Breast Cancer Screening: keeping the human in the loop
In this episode, we discussed the current breast screening programme in Scotland and the implications of using artificial intelligence to detect cancers.
AI activity in UK businesses: Executive Summary
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) has commissioned a project to model and report on the current and future use of artificial intelligence (AI) by UK businesses.
AI Accelerator Launches - Data Driven Entrepreneurship
September was the launch of the Data Driven Entrepreneurship AI Accelerator programme that aims to scale the 12 companies taking part by developing their entrepreneurial skills.