Scottish AI Alliance

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Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting August 2024


The Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force joins together discussions across the public sector on AI to turn them into actionable steps to ensure the safe integration of AI in government operations.

On this page you can find details from the August 2024 Public Sector AI Task Force meeting.


8 August 2024, 13:30

Welcome – Head of AI and Data Science

  • The Permanent Secretary was welcomed to the task force meeting.

  • Due to illness, the agenda has been updated with a change of presentation.

Opening Remarks – Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government

  • The task force is an opportunity to learn more about how the wider public sector are joining up to discuss, challenge, design and implement AI solutions for automation and decision making.

  • Safely applied AI solutions within our public services have the scale and potential to reduce costs and improve services.

  • To develop an understanding on the resources required from SG to support and accelerate the development and deployment of these services across the public sector.

Scottish Government updates on AI – SG AI Policy Lead

Policy Updates

  • The Government Digital Service (GDS), Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) and the Incubator for Artificial Intelligence will be moving from the Cabinet Office to the Department for Innovation and Science (DSIT).

  • UKG have appointed tech entrepreneur Matt Clifford to develop an AI Opportunities Action Plan with the recommendations to be published in the Autumn.

  • The EU AI Act came into force on 1 August on standards around AI.

News Updates

  • UKG announces £32m boost to AI research projects with two investment projects based in Scotland at University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Innovation Centre and Aberdeen University.

  • Techscaler has launched a new hub in Singapore from October to November. Funded by Scottish Enterprise, the latest expansion will offer a cohort of start-ups a three-week stay in Singapore.

  • The Digital Evidence Sharing Capability Service (DESC) will be rolled out across Scotland.


Scottish AI Register – SG Senior Policy Officer and Data Science Lead

  • Work is on-going to engage with all staff (initially core SG and Agencies, expanding to wider public sector in future) to ensure all use of AI is recorded on the register.

  • An AI ‘Library’, accessible to all public sector staff, is available via the administration module of the Register. Containing information on risk management and mitigation, AI policy, models and evaluation.  It is a one stop shop to help keep up with this fast changing technology.

  • Machine learning use cases under development/testing/consideration will also be recorded; if a project is discontinued, failure/withdrawal reasons will also be recorded.

AI use in Consultation Analysis – SG Head of Analytical Unit

  • Phase 1 looked at the Fairer Council Tax consultation and we took advice from with the AI policy team, SGLD, Procurement colleagues and Cyber Security to ensure this work could be commissioned in line with procurement regulations.

  • The AI analysis of consultation responses reduced the time taken to analyse and distil responses from around 3 months to 2 months. However, AI was unable to select themes appropriately or cope with multiple or contradictory themes within a same response. It was also unable to select a range of quotes from the responses beyond a small number of responses. So this work needed a lot of iterations and back and forth between SG and the contractor, increasing the contract management time spent on the piece for SG staff.

  • Phase 2 is underway with the Cabinet Office AI consult tool and will be used for the Health and Social Care consultation.

Centre for Automation – SG Intelligent Centre for Automation

  • A discovery project was done to look at the areas suitable for automation and to look at cost savings.

  • Working the Scottish Pensions Agency on automating some of the process related to the McCloud judgement.

  • Ensuring components of the automation tool are reusable and follows the standard digital programme.

Closing remarks – Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government

  • Good progress is being made of AI enabled projects to support the Public Sector reform.

  • In joining the conversations up across the public sector we are ensuring shared learning and resource sharing with a strong sense of direction.


  • Shared and collective governance for automation and AI that crosses organisational boundaries is required to reach the potential of these solutions.

  • Tackling and improving poor quality data is a foundational component required of AI enabled solutions within the public sector.
