Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Oct 2023


The Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force joins together discussions across the public sector on AI to turn them into actionable steps to ensure the safe integration of AI in government operations.

On this page you can find details from the October 2023 Public Sector AI Task Force meeting.


25 October 2023, 14:00

Welcome and Updates  

  • The chair welcomed everyone to the inaugural meeting of the AI taskforce.

  • Discussed Terms of Reference (ToR) and purpose of the taskforce.

  • Director of Digital in Scottish Government provided his vision for improving public services using digital technologies.


 Intelligent Automation (IA) - Scottish Government 

  • An overview of the Automation Centre of Excellence team in Scottish Government. 

 Scottish AI Register – Scottish Government 

  • The AI register is a publicly accessible database which provides a range of information about the use of AI in projects developed by the Scottish Public Sector.  This was an action from the Scottish AI Strategy. 


Working Groups  

  • A discussion took place around creating working groups on specific topics.  

Recommended reading 

Action Log 

Action Responsible Officer Date to be completed
To review ToR and provide any feedback All 13 November 2023

Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Nov 2023