Scottish AI Alliance

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Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting September 2024


The Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force brings the conversations around AI together and deliver concrete actions to support the safe adoption of AI across government. The September meeting will take place on Tuesday September 17th.

If you would like to attend, please email

Full agenda and minutes will appear here after.


1400 – 1405

Intro and Review of Actions (Scott Nowbaveh)

1405 – 1410

General Update on AI (Jeremy Darot)

SG Updates, Reserved updates, and general AI sector news

1410 – 1420

AI Register update (Scott Nowbaveh)

A brief update on the progress of mandating the AI Register.

1420 – 1440

Speaker:  Dr Jim Fanning and Susan Sey, Education

Education Scotland - Glow Gemini project showcasing.

1440 - 1500

Speaker:  Liam Wilkinson

Demoing Redbox - Incubator for Artificial Intelligence

1500 - 1600

Working Group 1 - Education and Skills

Working Group 2 – Governance, Regulation