Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting July 2024


The Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force joins together discussions across the public sector on AI to turn them into actionable steps to ensure the safe integration of AI in government operations.

On this page you can find details from the July 2024 Public Sector AI Task Force meeting.


2 July 2024, 13:30

Welcome and Updates  

  • The AI Register has been mandated and work is underway in core SG to start this process of ensuring all AI use cases are recorded.

  • The Scottish Permanent Secretary will attend the next task force meeting.

Actions Completed

Working Groups

  • The working groups will cover Education, Governance, Technology, Health, Security, and Business and will start from September.


Futurescot AI Challenge - Storm ID, Futurescot

  • Futurescot and their technology partner, Storm ID, launched an AI Challenge to bring together Scottish public sector organisations to solve problems using AI.  Applications from public sector bodies close on 23rd August.

AI in Social Research - Scottish Government

  • A toolkit listing various AI tools used in academia and private sectors has been created highlighting their feasibility for use in Government.

Children and AI Project – Scottish AI Alliance

  • A world leading two-and-a-half-year collaboration with The Alan Turing Institute and the Children’s Parliament. Discussions are centred on AI's implications for children's human rights and future implications.

Implementation of AI in Public Sector Data Sets - Scottish Government

  • A search engine was created through a CivTech challenge to make public sector data easier to on

Action Log

Action Responsible Officer Date to be completed
Liasing with the Digital Office on implementing the AI Register Secretariat 02/09/2024
Access to AI Register library for Officials Secretariat On-going

Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting August 2024


Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting May 2024