Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting May 2024


The Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force joins together discussions across the public sector on AI to turn them into actionable steps to ensure the safe integration of AI in government operations.

On this page you can find details from the May 2024 Public Sector AI Task Force meeting.


21 May 2024, 13:30

Welcome and Updates  

  • The Scottish AI Register was mandated on 28 March by Minister Lochhead across the public sector starting with core SG and agencies.

  • The Children’s Parliament, along with the Scottish AI Alliance and The Alan Turing Institute will be hosting an event to discuss children’s rights and AI


Translation Services in NHS - Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Scottish Government

  • NHS Scotland guidelines in 2020 highlighted potential issues with automatic translation tools.  SG and NHS are conducting an evidence review in translation services with a focus on national resources for checking pre and post clinical checking of information.

AI Independent Review update - Scottish Government

  • The review was commissioned by Minister Lochhead during a Parliamentary debate on AI.  The review recommendations were set out into pillars with the formal SG response to these recommendations published soon

Data Protection and Digital Information Bill - Scottish Government

  • The DPDI bill is currently in The House of Lords and expected to receive Royal Assent later this year.  Personal data has been redefined and amendments to data sharing.

Use of Generative AI in Scottish Government, Scottish Government

  • Guidance exists to never input personal, classified, official or sensitive information into the AI tools.

Recommended reading 


Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting July 2024


Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Feb 2024