Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Jan 2024


The Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force joins together discussions across the public sector on AI to turn them into actionable steps to ensure the safe integration of AI in government operations.

On this page you can find details from the January 2024 Public Sector AI Task Force meeting.


16 January 2024, 14:00

Welcome and Updates  

  • The UK Government has published extended guidance on the use of Generative AI for Civil Servants.

  • A Scottish Parliament debate took place on 25 January entitled ‘Scotland as a Technology Nation’.

  • The Scottish AI Alliance released the ‘Living with AI’ course, a free course designed for the general public.


CivTech - Scottish Government

  • CivTech is a Scottish Government programme that allows all Scottish public bodies to understand the problem they are trying to solve and supports the private sector to solve the challenge.

Information Commissioners Office (ICO)

  • Outlined the ICO AI and Data Protection Guidance. Despite the recent hype around generative AI, data principles should remain the same

  • Automated decision-making needs explainability

Legal Directorate - Scottish Government

  • An AI Research Project is underway looking at the legal context and considerations of AI use in Scotland.

AI In Healthcare - NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

  • AI is regarded as a regulated medical device and needs regulatory approval.  Several AI use cases in diagnostics including in lung and breast cancer screening. 


  • No AOB

Recommended reading 


Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Feb 2024


Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Nov 2023