Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Feb 2024


The Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force joins together discussions across the public sector on AI to turn them into actionable steps to ensure the safe integration of AI in government operations.

On this page you can find details from the February 2024 Public Sector AI Task Force meeting.


13 February 2024, 14:00

Welcome and Updates  

  • The independent review of AI in Scotland is now out for public consultation.

  • The UK Government white paper consultation response has now been published.

  • The House of Lords released their report on 2 February on LLM’s and Gen AI


Education and Skills – University of Glasgow, Education Scotland, Skills Development Scotland

  • A new digital strategy for schools is in development incorporating the recent recommendations from the Louise Hayward review, Ken Muir review and James Withers review. Digital skills sit in every sector of the economy and actions will be taken forward from the Digital Economy Skills Action Plan.

Graph Databases and AI - Scottish Government

  • Developed a solution through a CivTech challenge in bringing together data sets across the policy areas.  Currently a business spine is being developed, but other types are being considered.


Working Groups  

  • A discussion took place on the proposal for working groups.  The secretariat will review the topics for consideration and report back to the group.

Recommended reading 

Action Log 

Action Responsible Officer Date to be completed
Review of themes/topics of working groups Secretariat 2 July 2024

Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting May 2024


Scottish Public Sector AI Task Force Meeting Jan 2024