News, People Elena Connarty News, People Elena Connarty

Children’s Rights and AI Project Reaches Major Milestone

Stage 2 of the project ‘Exploring Children’s Rights and AI’ has recently reached its conclusion with the launch of a new report and film charting the process undertaken by children across Scotland to develop 12 Calls to Action. Find out exactly what children in Scotland think about AI and how it impacts their rights.

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People Elena Connarty People Elena Connarty

The History of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may seem like a relatively new term and technology to many, but its roots date back several decades. In fact, the concept can be traced back to the early days of modern computing in the 1950s, with its mathematical and theoretical foundations going back even further. Learn all about its history in this blog.

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People Calum McDonald People Calum McDonald

Communities Call Out

The Scottish AI Alliance are looking to connect and collaborate with communities, community-embedded organisations and civil society networks across Scotland as part of our engagement roadshow.

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News, People Calum McDonald News, People Calum McDonald

Children & AI: Partner Call-Out

We are looking to work with individuals or organisations who are currently developing AI systems, policy around AI, or the practical application of AI, to help us explore how we can meaningfully involve the views of children in these processes. 

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