Lynn Gilmour
Lynn Gilmour
Digital Communications and Digital Accessibility in the Charity Sector
Lynn has twenty years’ experience in events, marketing, project management, press and communications, in the private and third sectors. For the past decade, her focus has been digital communications, particularly digital accessibility. Her favourite use of AI is Spotify DJ!
Conversations about AI have been taking place in the charity sector, and within digital comms, for the past few years. There is excitement and nervousness about how AI can be used, about inherent risks and what the future, in terms of the workforce, might look like.
From a comms perspective, as with every moment of significant change, my focus with AI is on how developments can be best communicated, the methods used to inform people, and how equality of access can be achieved.
From a personal perspective, I am excited to keep learning about how AI can improve or simplify what I do, and how it can continue to be used for good.
I think AI has the potential to empower communities, giving rural and urban populations equal access to information and innovation. There is scope, for example, to utilise AI widely in areas including health diagnoses, energy efficiency and education.
Giving remote or underrepresented communities access to AI in practical ways will allow people to be connected and give them access to work and opportunities, without the need to move away from their community or spend a lot on travel.
But these developments should be accompanied by support and guidance, to ensure that AI is trusted, inclusive and that opportunities can be accessed by all.
If AI continues to develop unchecked and unregulated, it’s hard to say what the future could look like. There is the likelihood that some jobs will become obsolete, if AI is seen as more cost-effective than hiring a human.
There is also a risk of the development of a deeper digital and tech divide, if communities are not given equal access to the information and support needed to engage with AI safely and proactively.